keep out

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

here in washington, d.c., we like to emphasize diplomacy. my seven or so years here have been a constant lesson in learning how to be diplomatic in all situations.

a little over three years ago, husband and i had just returned from our honeymoon. momma chiang decided to pay us a visit - in fact, she arrived in d.c. a day before we even returned. and in usual chinese fashion decided that staying with her newly married daughter was not only economical, but desirable. so on our first morning home from our honeymoon, we woke up at seven a.m. to our little house guest knocking on our bedroom door, "lazybones, how do i turn on your t.v. and stereo system?"

years later, with diplomacy skills honed, i have found the appropriate solution: a new little decor piece for our bedroom door the next time momma chiang decides to pay us a visit:


  1. HI-larious!
    i love momma chiang. she is the quintessential asian momma!

  2. hahahaha.... that will definitely work!
