doctor (nod), doctor (nod), doctor (nod), doctor (nod)

Thursday, June 14, 2012

if you haven't seen this movie, you must. it's a classic. chevy chase and dan akroyd at their best. not to mention it may just inspire you to see your credentials in a new light. you too can be a doctor! this, along with webMD, and you are unstoppable. trust me. i know. because i too, am a doctor. Dr. Grace Carlson, J.D.

sometimes though, webMD will fail you, and that's when you simply have to rely on your honed inner doctor instincts. a few months back, i insisted that husband run a webMD and google search for "fever hands." you see, i have "fever hands."

these puppies sometimes get so hot, that husband will not hold my hand, choosing instead to hold my wrists. romantic no? more like ridiculous, yes. but i tell you, i am convinced that my fever hands are symptoms of something wrong, a rare disease perhaps?

would you even believe me if i told you that webMD did not have any search results, and all the search results for google were not helpful at all? hard to believe, i know, but it's true. there's nothing out there on the world wide web that can provide any insight into my apparently rare condition. and yes, i actually even went to my "real" doctor. he was sort of at a loss. blank stare doctor. and then said he'd run some blood tests. my endocrine system is the picture of health. nothing is wrong. but! i just do. not. believe. it.

i am undeterred. all you medical professionals out there, watch out. i am on the cusp of discovery. i cannot be stopped, because i know my inner doctor is right on this. one day, fever hands will show up in medical text books around the world.

until then, i am definitely available for free consultations and to diagnose whatever medical conditions you have. i'm here for you. love, Dr. Grace. (momma chiang must be proud, lawyer and doctor in one! super asian!)

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