my friend, b, started her bradley method birthing classes a few weeks ago. her birth teacher tells her sugar is really bad. it's poison. recently, i began reading "bringing up bebe" to get some perspective on being a mother (i highly recommend it - it is the antidote to the all-consuming motherhood model that is put upon us in american culture). in that book, she talked about the french day care system and how they serve one year olds fresh vegetables, fish, and fresh fruit - nothing processed. so between bradley and france, i was inspired. i made a resolution to become unprocessed - no more processed food from here on out for the rest of my pregnancy.
lofty goals is my name, failing is my game. i think i would have been able to do it had one thing not happened. on saturday evening, during a trader joe's trip, after my lecture to my brother and his fiancee about how bad cereal is for you, my future sister-in-law mentioned her weakness for cinnamon toast crunch to me. oh you bet i gave her judging eyes. cereal is bad enough. there is NOTHING of redemption in cinnamon toast crunch. well baby carlson must have been paying attention because he had me begging husband last night to go out and get some cinnamon toast crunch. i had to have it. but husband was already in bed half asleep. so i waited until he left for work this morning and walked on over to the grocery store where i treated myself to a box of cinnamon toast crunch. i'd just like to say that though i majorly failed, there is some evidence of gracie will left. the store was having a buy two for five dollars deal. i grabbed both boxes and made my way to the cashier, but then turned around to put one box back on the shelf. props to me.
i guess the upside of the story is that apparently baby carlson's hearing is just fine! he heard his future aunt's cinnamony, toasty, sugary, crunchy message LOUD AND CLEAR!