wuv. twu wuv.

Friday, August 10, 2012

this week, husband has worked late every single night, to midnight or later. it's hard for me. i hate being alone. and i don't have a car. so when husband works late, it's unpleasant for everyone involved, which incidentally is only me. so i was thrilled - tickled pink really - when husband called me last night at 7:05 pm to tell me he was on his way home. and to top it off, he asked me out on a date. sigh. be still my swooning, beating heart.

when husband said "date", i didn't realize he meant for me to go as a chaperon for him and his dear love, his phone, a.k.a. lolita jr. jr.
and when even lolita jr. jr. couldn't keep his undivided attention anymore, husband called comcast to discuss the speed of our internet service.

i tell you, if this doesn't get a girl's heart racing, i just don't know what does.  back off ladies, this guy is all mine (sort of).

happy friday!


  1. HAHAHAAH!!! I hate Comcast!! And I get so jealous every time D gets a new phone ;)

  2. ahhhhh! you are so funny and everything about this post is SO TRUE for my life as well. :)

  3. Love this. We should be third wheels together sometime. Our spouses, their phones and us...what fun. Love you. -jess

  4. Love this. We should be third wheels together sometime. Our spouses, their phones and us...what fun. Love you. -jess

  5. Phil, took a photo of me doing the same.. hehe.. was on the phone w/ dear shifrah. :/ I was going to blog about that, too. eeeek.

    1. it happens to the best of us =) my phone is dubbed "timotayo jr." i bet you can figure out why =D

  6. Clearly Grace experienced "that dweem wivin a dweem" - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sbqv3MwwVd8&noredirect=1
