
Tuesday, July 24, 2012

is it any wonder, given my type A personality and mild obsession with timeliness, that like clockwork, my quarterly mid-mid life crisis has come to pay me a visit?

friends, if it's not a mid-mid life crisis, then i have a serious case of ennui. i feel utterly weary and discontent and this has led to a lack of interest and total boredom. you may agree that this is not the healthiest state of being. so i'm actively fighting it. i present to you my happy list, or somewhat happy, as the case may be. i'll let you know if i win or lose this fight.

1) the summer's long days (i'm trying not to focus on the fact that the sun is setting ever earlier).
2) saving up for my new fancy camera and lens (donations welcome)
3) a potentially exciting project just on the horizon (details to come when it's definite, oh the suspense)
4) the hope of a puppy in november (please husband!)
5) fridays (double dose of happiness, kick start to the weekend and also the day professional cleaners pay casa carlson a visit)
6) having a job (ok, while i'd much prefer not having to work - oh to live the dream - since i have to work, i'm grateful, if not happy, that i am gainfully employed)
7) big fluffy down comforter (husband lets me turn the ac all the way down so i can burrow under a billowy warm, big fluffy comforter in the summer time)
8) having great friends live close by (kwongs, please remember to check with me before you move, anywhere, ever because i don't think i can live without you guys within walking distance)
9) dreaming about and planning vacations (cruise 2014, you are mapped out and scheduled...beware!)
10) the olympics (won't you hum the olympics theme song with me, dum dum dadadadada da dadada dadadadadadadadadaaaaaaaaaaaa)

happy tuesday friends, if only because it is tuesday, and therefore, no longer monday.


  1. Since you're planning to get a rebel, allow me to forestall the buying of the wrong lens! :) Having read/heard from all people that you HAVE to get a prime 50, i after the fact realized that a rebel has a cropped sensor, which MEANS that a 50mm is the equivalent of almost an 85mm for a normal camera. So, the lens I absolutely use all the time is this: Tamron 17-50mm f/2.8 for Canon. Do it! Or not, just wanted to throw in my two cents. I almost never use my 50mm bc it's just too close for all the pictures I want to take (inside, which is where the f/1.4 comes in handy) and zooms are the most flexible. Also, LOVE LOVE LOVE english bulldogs. And french ones too! :)

    1. B, does lens you recommend blur the background as well? that's kind of what i like the most about the 50mm/1.8, the au naturel look if you will. want to visit and help me do some camera shopping??

  2. G,

    any lens with a super low fstop (and when used with the appropriate amount of light/shutter speed) will give you a nice depth of field (blurry background). so, a lower f-stop will make that more possible, and the fact that the 50mm is pretty cheap (for a lens) is one of the reasons for its huge popularity. and, i guess i should have said that i still wouldn't sell mine. BUT, i would recommend renting it so you can try it first. You could also try the 35mm, which is a bit more expensive, but would be almost the equivalent on the rebel to what the 50mm is on a full frame camera. of course it could just be my preference too! and YES i would LOVE to visit and go shopping! :) i'm going to london on sunday, but maybe i can plan a visit after?
