when alexander first came out, husband said to me, "babe, he looks just like you." but after that first hour, visitor after visitor, family member after family member has said that my son, you know, the one i carried for nine months. the one that i bore. the one that ruined me down there (i will NOT get into the gory details), yes that one, is the spitting image of my husband. and up until this morning's four a.m. feeding, i refused to believe it.
here's a picture of my sweet baby boy at just over one week old, sleeping blissfully away.

and early this morning, when i woke for alexander's four thirty a.m. feeding, this man was laying next to me.

and early this morning, when i woke for alexander's four thirty a.m. feeding, this man was laying next to me.

i guess i must finally accept that this sweet boy of mine is the spitting image of his papa. there is no mama in there, except for maybe the hair, which is getting lighter by the day. but it is more than ok, because these are my two favorite sleeping faces.